We got a new fridge this weekend and we are very excited. Its still small but its so much better than our Kelvinator. Here are some features that we are excited about...Our new fridge Has a light when you open it, two bins at the bottom for fruits and veggies and adjustable shelving.
Instead of just having a big heavy door, this fridge has shelving built in so that all of these items don't have to take up half of the fridge space.
Also above the fridge it has a freezer. A freezer? who would have thought? that's the best idea I've ever heard of.
And last but not least, this fridge has an easy open handle. These crazy inventors come up with the best ideas!
Here is our old Fridge. Its cute and retro, and has a fun name -the Kelvinator. And here are some features on this fridge that I don't think I will miss all that much.
Notice no light, or bins or places to adjust the shelving. Also that big block of ice has our little freezer cupboard in it. It started freezing over a few years ago and just kept getting worse. To the left of the ice box are some items that we will have to wait for the ice to melt to get.
This is the crow bar we had to use to open our fridge for almost a year because I broke off the handle. We were worried one day it would break and finally last year it did.
This is where our handle used to be. Sad Sad day for us. We are so happy to have a new fridge even if it is a office size fridge. We have so many possibilities now!!
I'm so happy for you. Isn't it great when you get something that is so much better than what you use to have. You didn't have far to go with that though. I can't believe it ran this long. That is how it is when you want something to die it doesn't. Congrats on that new fridge!!
Don't tell Grandpa we are getting rid of it he would want to fix it for us instead!!! just kidding!
that is so funny! glad you got a new fridge!
It is even more beautiful in person! Thanks again for dinner.
It is even more beautiful in person! Thanks again for dinner.
This is awesome. I like the old fridge and am a little upset that you are getting rid of it. Maybe with all that ice build up on the old fridge you could have a snow cone party?
Congrats on the upgrade!! It's always fun getting new things!
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