Friday, October 3, 2008

One Week Old!!

Nixon is one week old today and we celebrated by taking him back to the Hospital and poking him for more blood work. His Dr. called yesterday saying he needed a little lab work done because of a test that came back a little low. His Dr says its very common and is doubtful that it will come back low a second time. In the mean time I have to feed Nixon soy formula every other feeding. They got most of the blood they needed with the first poke but then they needed a little more and it wouldn't come. After fishing for a new vein they sent me up to the pediatrics unit. Finally they got what they needed and we came home. And thats when he did this!!

I set him down for tummy time while we had our lunch and when my mom walked back in the room he was on his back. So she rolled him back on his tummy and he did it again. The third time I got out the video camera to document. I think Parker will have a wrestling buddy in no time.

And after a week of having Nixon home, Parker couldn't be happier to be a big brother. He wants to have Nixon around him at all times. Yesterday as my mom made Parker breakfast she HAD to hold Nixon. She tried to put Nixon down and Parker would have nothing of it, he wanted Nixon in the kitchen with him. He had to have Nixon with him while he took his bath yesterday. Parker even handed him all of his bath toys so that they would both have toys to play with.
Parker will sometimes lay on the ground and then pat the floor to tell us to put Nixon next to him. What a good big brother. I am starting to think I was boring him to tears with just the two of us over the past few months. I am so relieved that he is acting this way and not the opposite. I was really worried Parker would be jealous and that he would lose his cute personality for a few months and just throw fits all day long. We have been really lucky. Thats not to say that Parker isn't in the terrible two's because he is but he's is generally a really fun little boy.
And a great big brother!!


the speers said...

happy one week! He's SO cute, no surprise there! :D Parker is such a cute big brother! Caden totally gets jealous when I hold another baby! lol! Did you have to have another c-section? Hope you recover quickly!!

Aubree said...

Looks like Nixon came to play hard ball with Will.

Aubree said...

Dave says "bring it"!!

Angie said...

Wow! I'm impressed in that little one. I'm really glad that Parker is enjoying him so much. When Megan was born all Nicole wanted was her picture taken with Megan all the time. So I have lots of pictures with Nicole holding Megan. I'm glad the adjustment is going good. I hope it continues. We can't wait to see him. I wanted to come today the kids where out of school but we couldn't get it to work. Will be down though!

mcranford said...

Wow, that is pretty amazing that little guy can roll over. I am glad that Parker is adjusting well, and loves his little brother. Isn't it the cutest thing to see when they love each other like that.

Harrison's said...

Holy advanced baby rolling over already!! He is darling and I love how sweet Parker is to him. Hope the recovery is going well.

TyandBre said...

He's so sweet! Thanks for letting us visit today. I'm glad me and Nixon finally had a chance to "bond." :)

Emily Shaw said...

Holy Cow! I can't believe he rolled over - and 3 times! That's amazing! He is a sweet little baby boy and Parker is so cute! Congrats

Heather said...

Hey Celiece!!Congratulations on your baby! I'm so glad he's o.k. Guess what! I'm having a baby too, on March 3rd, It's another boy!!

Heather (Frazier) Tanner